The industry professionals on our team volunteer their time and expertise to
help make your dreams come true.
RaiseMe Events was born at ShellCon here in Southern California, and our
biggest event every year is the RaiseMe Career Hall. We also contribute to
other technology events around the country. We will share our slides or videos
for any previous presentation you may have seen:
- Grace Hopper Celebration (talk on returning to work after hiatus)
- Southern California Linux Expo (Open Source Career Day)
- AppSec Cali (Career Fair, Salute! talk)
- 23b Makerspace (resume clinic with emphasis on contracting)
- Linux Fdn Open Source Summit (hiring diversity workshop, Speed Mentoring)
- LayerOne (Career Village, Salute! talk)
- USENIX LISA (re-careering talk, hiring manager workshop)
- LOPSA-LA (workshop for hiring managers)
- Hacking Diversity (re-careering talk)
- The Diana Initiative (resume workshop)
- CSUN Speed Mentoring (advice directed at students)
- UUASC (talk on moving from engineering to management)